Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Another one bites the dust....

One more quilt completed in my recent burst of enthusiasm. This one is about the same size as the last (approx 27" x 30") and was made in a similarly improvisational fashion. The quilting (which you can't see terribly well in my pic) is dense, stylised fern fronds in the green/blue areas with close straight lines in the red. Again, I don't have a name for it - my brain just isn't functioning on that level today, though usually I can think up something catchy. Posted by Picasa


Susan said...

Reminds me of New York City, for some reason. The word "boulevard" came to mind and the square city parks with the wrought iron fences around them. Lovely piece, anyway.

Nic Bridges said...

I decided on "Monolith"

Darcie said...

Oooh! Beautiful eye candy! I will be back for more...if you don't mind. (I'll be back anyway! LOL)

Thank you for your kind compliments on my blog. You cannot imagine how much comfort and strength you gave to me!