Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Another big quilt finished....
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
A Midweek Meme (Yet More Stuff You Never Knew You Wanted To Know)
What curse words do you use the most?
Bugger mostly, occasionally I'll drop the f-word if really provoked, absolutely detest the c-word - never use that one & hate to hear it.
Do you own an i-pod?
Yep - love my lime green nano
What time is your alarm clock set to?
about 6am - Rob gets up for work after a few hits of the snooze button, and I've been trying to get up early to exercise.
Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture?
I'm not much of a photographer, but when I'm carrying as much excess weight as I am at the moment, I definitely don't want to have my photo taken.
"Kenny" hilarious Aussie mockumentary, laughed my arse off.
What cd is currently in your player?
Not sure - been listening mostly to the ipod lately.
Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
Skim milk in coffee or smoothie.
Has anyone told you a secret this week?
Don't think so...
When was the last time you had Starbucks?
When I was in Houston, October before last. I stick to Gloria Jean's when on my own turf.
Can you whistle?
Only for the dogs to come.
What are you looking forward to?
Art school tomorrow.
Did you watch cartoons when you were little?
Oh yes indeed - Warner Bros were my favourites, but also Astro Boy and Kimba the White Lion (Japanese, I think) - I could still sing you the theme tunes.
Yes. Whose? Hunters & Collector's (80's Aussie rock), Springsteen, Chris Isaak, Meatloaf. What does that tell you all about me - that I'm a bit tragic, I guess...
What will you be doing in an hour?
Cooking dinner
What was the last song you heard?
Don't know.
Last time you cried?
Couldn't say.
Desktop or laptop?
I use the laptop most of the time now.
Desiring any new ink?
I'm not sure what this question refers to - printer cartridge? books? tattoos?
What’s the weather like?
Hot & muggy - bleah.
What were you doing an hour ago?
Working on a client quilt in the studio.
How many hours of sleep do you need to function?
I try to get 6-7. Rob can manage on about 5 or even less, but not me.
I can't do anything much before I eat breakfast, except my morning walk or gym & shower. I feel ill if I try to skip brekky.
Worked on a design for a wholecloth quilt while watching CSI.
Do you use sarcasm?
Do you like mustard?
Oh yes, a steak is not complete without a dollop of wholegrain mustard.
Do you sleep on your side/back/stomach?
My side usually.
Do you watch the news?
I try to watch the ABC news at 7pm, but don't always manage it.
How did you get one of your scars?
I have a pair of scars on my right forearm where I was bitten by a dog, when I was 7. It was a kelpie, and although I love dogs I'm still scared of kelpies and blue cattle dogs.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Happy Chinese New Year!!!
Also on show were exhibitions of Chinese Calligraphy and beautiful carved sculptures. Many visitors enjoyed a vegetarian lunch at the temple.
It was a fun way to spend a few hours with the family, besides being interesting and educational. I have been fascinated with Buddhism for ages, so I plan to go back to the temple on a quieter day to investigate further.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Art School Progress
Life drawing class - but not drawing from real life just yet. We started out with some plaster heads, which made the job a little easier as plaster heads don't keep moving while you sketch. I've named the guy on the right Elvis the Centaur - his hairdo would do any rockstar proud ;-))
In Design class we worked on these abstracted line designs, blocking out shapes in black and white on one set and adding tone and texture to the other.
Sculpture class is lots of fun, although I don't know how successful I will be at it. I love getting my hands dirty playing with the clay, and I guess these little models aren't too awful.
I'm having so much fun!!!
Thursday, February 08, 2007
This & that from my busy week...
Following our yummy meal, it was off to the MCG to take in a day/night cricket match between Australia and New Zealand. We had an excellent view of the whole proceedings from the corporate box, and were plied with more edibles and drinkables than I care to mention. It my first time at the cricket, and how wonderful it was to do it in such classy style!
Tuesday was my first day at TAFE for the year - I'm so happy to be back there attending art classes, I'm grinning from ear to ear. We had Life Drawing in the morning and Colour & Design after lunch - both were just amazingly inspirational. I love the art school environment!
I taught a class on Wednesday, foundation piecing and many of the class were more or less beginners. Whew!! A fun day, but quite taxing - I had no voice by the end!
Today was back at TAFE for Sculpture in the morning and Printmaking in the afternoon. It was my first taste of both of these subjects, and I can tell I'm going to love them both. Pictured are a couple of sketches from the Design class and Printmaking class. I particularly like the little drawing of the stack of stones (mirror reversed in preparation for etching next week).
Tomorrow I'll be hard at work at the quilting machine - must get some work done to support this seemingly extravagant lifestyle!!!