Exhausted but happy after an exciting week at the Sydney Quilt Show. Yes, that is a ribbon (two actually) you see on the quilt. "The Eyes Have It" won third place in the commercially quilted category for my friend Lisa Walton and I. Lisa dyed the wonderful fabrics (you can find her at http://www.dyedheaven.com) and designed and pieced the quilt. Then she sent it to me for lots of quilting - I did get a bit carried away, but it worked. Lisa added beading after the quilting, a little bit of bling for a nice finishing touch.
Another quilt I did, a round robin, also won 4th place in the group quilts section. You can see it here http://www.quiltersguildnsw.com/quiltshow2006/wincat13.htm. So I am definitely a happy little vegimite. I also did some good networking, sold lots of fabric & kits for Lisa at her stand and had fun, fun, FUN!!
So, this week I feel happy and inspired with lots of new ideas running around in my head, a feeling of purpose and direction. Unfortunately, slow progress is being made with the gi-normous (technical term) floral applique quilt that is on the machine. It is nearly 90 square feet of detailed applique on white, demanding intensive quilting and much concentration. Wish me luck!!!