For the category Restaurant we have the Jasmine Rice Thai Restaurant here in Wollongong. They have very nice Thai food, but eating here is a bit odd for me - 20 years ago my parents owned and ran their restaurant in these premises. It was American style Ribs & Steak and I think they were a bit ahead of their time, given the success of Chilli's, Hog's Breath, etc in more recent years. I'm yet to taste any ribs as good as theirs.
The next category is sport and although Adam made a very good suggestion of Jousting it was a little difficult to find any of that going on. So instead we have Emma jumping rope (it is so a sport).
And finally we have Pointy Things (who thinks up these categories?). For this one I found this picture of Javelins and Javelinmen which is part of the Bayeaux Tapestry from the Middle Ages. Javelins are definitely very pointy, just ask that poor guy in the middle of the shot with one sticking into him.