Saturday, October 04, 2008
NicQuiltz has moved!!
Thursday, October 02, 2008

Originally uploaded by nicquiltz
Last weekend I was invited by Illawarra Quilters to host a picnic in the Wollongong Botanic Gardens and talk about my inspirations and creative process. The weather was perfect and a nice group of ladies came along - we had a lovely day.
After sitting by the pond having a chat with a bit of show & tell from my sketchbooks, we wandered around the gardens till I found an interesting spot to sit & draw. Some of the non-drawers were a bit hesitant with their pencils, but eventually even those who claimed not to be able to draw a stick figure had a go. I firmly believe that the only way to get any better at drawing is to do more of it.
After lunch we set off again with cameras in hand to record some of the gorgeous specimens in the gardens - there was plenty to catch our eyes and imaginations. We went our seperate ways mid-afternoon (me with a slight case of sunburn) after spending a very pleasant day together,
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Originally uploaded by nicquiltz
Here is this month's virtual sketch date effort. I've been browsing my Georgia O'Keefe book lately, so I was inspired to get up close & personal with this amazing flower. I'm no Georgia O'Keefe, but I'm pretty happy with this attempt all the same.
Friday, September 26, 2008
At the gallery

At the gallery
Originally uploaded by nicquiltz
Yesterday Janine, Adam & I took the train to the AGNSW to check out the Dobell Drawing Prize among other exhibits. We had a fabulous day - the gallery has recently been rearranged (perhaps in anticipation of the new Cezanne's arrival) so we had a lovely time discovering and rediscovering artworks from the permanent collection. I was allowed to photograph the works in the Dobell exhibition, although many of them were under glass and very difficult to get a decent shot without reflections and glare. The Gino Palmieri drawing pictured above was impossible, as it was almost completely black. However it's a great shot of the three of us reflected in the glass, don't you think?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

self portrait as fauvist
Originally uploaded by nicquiltz
Another self-portrait, this time in the fauvist style of pure wild colours and high contrast. I thought this one would suit the theme of the Self Portrait Challenge which I've joined.
Lots of people have commented, both on the blog and in person, that the self-portraits I've been doing are something of a contrast with me in real life in terms of the serious, even sombre expression I have painted. I find this very interesting and wonder whether it is entirely due to my inept painting skills, or if it is in some way that my vision of myself is not the same as what others see.
In either case, it is a conundrum I'm determined to find a solution to, which is why the SPC held such attraction for me. It will be interesting to see if I am able to capture a more happy mood.
Monday, September 22, 2008
One perfect day

mt pleasant lookout
Originally uploaded by nicquiltz
last month I stopped on the way to my class at Berry to take some snaps from the Mt Pleasant lookout on the Kiama bends. Sometimes we take our surroundings for granted, but lately I've been struck by the beauty of the places I live and drive through.
I'll be heading to Berry again this coming Sunday (the 28th September) to teach one of my favourite classes - the Touchstones workshop. There are still a few places available if any of you would care for a lovely Sunday drive through the countryside followed by a fun class in improvisational piecing and colour play. Call Elizabeth at Berry Patchwork (02) 4464 3387 for details.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
On the path to who knows where

Garden Steps
Originally uploaded by nicquiltz
anything might happen and everything is possible. I'm so excited by my artistic journey and the amazing changes I'm noticing in my work, in the way I see the world, in my very thoughts. I can't wait to see where my path leads next!
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Spring has Sprung

Originally uploaded by nicquiltz
It is a beautiful day here in Wollongong today, which seemed appropriate for this post. I've just been for a walk around the Botanic Gardens in preparation for a lecture I'm doing for Illawarra Quilters later this month. It was just glorious - I hope we have such lovely weather on the day.
There is still time to join in with this series of Contemporary Techniques classes - I'm at the Quilter's Garden (Albion Park) on the 1st Saturday of each month and Patchwork Plus (Miranda) on the 2nd Saturday. Please get in touch if you feel inclined to join us for a fun class.
Monday, September 01, 2008
Sunday, August 31, 2008
My week in pictures 31/8/08